Proxy Voting Advisory

Investors through their ownership have voting rights attached to their investments. Proxinsight partners with clients to provide a consulting service that develops a client centric Voting Policy and Framework to manage this fiduciary obligation. Every client has unique needs and active ownership profile which Proxinsight considers in developing voting guidelines and policies. Backed by extensive years of experience and expertise in proxy voting research and advisory, the Proxinsight team is positioned to guide investors from thought to finish.


What Makes Us Different

We are local pioneers in providing active ownership advise to some of the Top 10 institutional investors in South Africa. Since 2007 , Proxinsight has guided the design and implementation of some of the leading pension Funds in South Africa.

  • Local pioneers in providing active ownership advisory
  • Founders have extensive investing and coal face portfolio management experience
  • Extensive global network of business, legal and sustainability resources
  • Part of a broader group spearheading sustainable investing
  • Extensive experience in proxy voting advisory and implementation
  • Backed by robust ESG and Proxy Voting research

You Should Know

Shareholders have voting rights attached to their investments. The right to vote on issues considered at investee companies shareholder meetings.

The means by which shareholders can hold investee companies management to account on issues affecting the company.

Shareholders can hold management to account on various ESG (environmental,social and governance issues) tabled at shareholder meetings. Institutional investors have a fiduciary duty to safeguard the voting assets of their beneficiaries through active ownership.

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